Region 6 Regional Contingency / Response Plans
National Contingency Plan
U.S./Mexico Joint Contingency Plan
Sister City Plans
Laredo / Nuevo Laredo
El Paso / Juarez
Brownsville / Matamorros
McAllen / Reynosa
Weslaco / Progresso
Region 6 RCP / ACPs
Volume 1 -- Region 6 Regional Contingency Plan (RCP)
Volume 2 -- Region 6 Inland Area Contingency Plan (ACP) -- Base Plan -- Interim Plan from 2010
Volume 2 -- Region 6 Inland Area Contingency Plan (ACP) -- Appendices -- Interim Plan from 2010
Volume 3 -- Region 6 Coastal Area Contingency Plans (ACPs)
South Texas Coastal Zone ACP
Central Texas Coastal ACP
SouthEast Texas & SouthWest Louisiana ACP
SouthEast Louisiana ACP
New Orleans ACP
Volume 4 -- Supporting Documentation for RCP / ACPs
Index of Supporting Documents
Appendix 1: NRT ICS/UC -- Managing Responses under the NCP
Appendix 2: NRT Joint Information Center (JIC) Model
Appendix 3: RRT Public Information Pamphlets / Fact Sheets (future)
Appendix 4: Executive Orders for RCP / ACPs
Appendix 5: USCG / EPA Response Jurisdiction Boundary MOA
Appendix 6: Instrument of Re-Delegation between USCG / EPA
Appendix 7: SMART Guidance Document
Appendix 8: MOA for Oil Spill Planning & Response Activities under NCP and ESA
Appendix 8a: MOA for Oil Spill Planning & Response Activities under NCP and ESA Guidebook
Appendix 9: Programmatic Agreement on Protection of Historic Properties under NCP
Appendix 10: National Response Framework (ESF-10)
Appendix 11: Dispersant Policy & Pre-Authorization
Appendix 12: Expedited Near Shore Dispersant Guidelines
Appendix 13: In-Situ Burn Policy & Pre-Authorization
Appendix 14: Subsurface Dispersant Use Guidelines (future)
Appendix 15: Region 6 RRT Bioremediation Position Paper
Appendix 16: Region 6 RRT Solidifier Policy (future)
Appendix 17: Endangered Species Act (ESA) Consultations for Dispersant Pre-Authorization
Appendix 18: Natural Disaster Operational Workgroup (NDOW) Documentation
Appendix 19: Air Space Control Procedures (future)
Appendix 20: Well Control & Containment (future)
Appendix 21: RRT Member Agency List (December, 2013)
Appendix 22: Region 6 RRT By-Laws
Appendix 23: Region 6 Pre-Authorization for Surface Washing Agents
Appendix 24: Acronyms List for Region 6 RCP, ACPs
Appendix 25: Fish & Wildlife Sensitive Environments Plan
Appendix 26: National Oil & Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP)
Appendix 27: MOU EPA Regions 2, 6 & 7 for Emergency Response
Appendix 28: Region 6 Inland Federally-Listed Endangered or Threatened Species (future)
Appendix 29: Metropolitan Areas with Population Greater than 50,000 (future)
Appendix 30:
Appendix 31: Region 6 Oil Spill Response Organizations (OSROs) (future)
Appendix 32: Overview of the National Response System (NRS)
Appendix 33: NRT Volunteer Guidelines
Appendix 34: NRT Atypical Dispersant Guidance
Appendix 35: NRT: Regional Response Teams Job-Aids (05-15-2012)
Appendix 36: USCG Incident Management Handbook
Appendix 37: EPA Incident Management Handbook
Appendix 38: Guidance for Federal OSCs When Responding to Spills on Tribal Lands
Appendix 39: EPA National Crisis Communications Plan - 2010
Appendix 40: EPA Region IV - Region 6 MOU Response Boundaries -- 1994
Appendix 45: Region 6 Facility Response Plan (FRP) Facilities -- August, 2014
Appendix 46: Region 6 Risk Management Plan (RMP) Facilities -- January, 2015
Appendix 47: EPA Region 6 Phone-Response Duty Procedures -- April, 2014
Appendix 49: MOU for USCG, EPA, and CNCS for Volunteers
Appendix 50: Oil Spill Best Management Practices -- August, 2014
Appendix 51: Compliance Guide for National Historic Preservation Act During Emergency Response -- August, 2014
Appendix 52: Inland Response Tactics Manual -- August, 2014
Appendix 53: Initial Incident Objectives for Hazardous Materials Events -- August, 2014
Appendix 54: Initial Incident Objectives for Oil Spils -- August, 2014
Appendix 55: Guidance for Using Bioremediation in Response to Inland Oil Spils -- August, 2104
Appendix 56: Endangered Species Act Section 7 Compliance Section for Inland ACP -- August, 2014
Appendix 57: EPA Notice of Federal Interest (NOF) for Inland Oil Spills -- August, 2014
Appendix 58: ESF # 10 Fact Sheet - FEMA -- August, 2014
Appendix 59: Region 6 RRT Oil Spill Countermeasures Playbook -- March 6, 2015
Appendix 60: Region 6 RRT Waste Disposal Plan Guidelines / Template -- January 15, 2014
Appendix 60a: Example Waste Management Disposal Plans -- January 15, 2014